Many divorces these days entail the division of extremely complicated business structures of all kinds.
Each situation is different, but our multi-faceted experience prepares us to deal effectively with every conceivable type of property, including:
- Family businesses
- Oil and gas interests including royalties and/or working interests
- Trusts
- Real estate, commercial and residential
- Corporations, partnerships, joint ventures, LLC’s, interests in closely held businesses
- Executive compensation, including restricted stock units, options, warrants, retirement plans
- Professional practices: medical, dental, accounting, legal
The first step to dividing complex property is evaluating its worth.
Our firm has long-established relationships with a broad array of experienced and credentialed experts in the various fields of appraisal and valuation. Even experts can differ as to the proper valuation of an asset, which is precisely why getting the best and most persuasive experts on your team is so essential, whether they are forensic accountants, business consultants, brokers, specialists in “unwinding” trusts and complex LLC’s, tax experts or estate planning specialists. Other experts can be added to the team as needed—for example, a fine art appraiser, if there is valuable art to be divided.
All of us will work together to make sure that property is evaluated accurately and a process set in motion to disentangle combined property so that the estates of the two spouses can be separated and allocated efficiently and, as much as possible, to your benefit. We build a strong, well-supported, relatable narrative to use before a mediator and opposing counsel in negotiation—and before a judge or jury in litigation, if necessary. Our purpose is to make sure, with facts permitting, that we strive towards results that will ensure a comfortable future for you and your children for years to come.
Let us know how we can help.