Without question, child custody is the most critical and consequential area of any divorce case in which children are involved. Although our firm is well-known for dealing effectively with complex property division, we are perhaps even better known for dealing effectively and sensitively with child custody disputes.
We are well aware that ensuring that a child will be cared for properly is essential to that child’s future well-being and to the long-term well-being of the parent we represent.
No child custody case that comes to our firm is considered “routine.” We never try to apply a boilerplate solution. In addition to dealing with such common issues as blended families and multiple divorces, we have been involved in child custody cases that have entailed grappling with more difficult problems.
Examples include:
Drug and/or alcohol abuse on the part of parents or children
Chronic physical health issues
Mental health problems
Sexual abuse and sexual acting out
Special needs children
We all know that family situations change over time. Children grow older. Child support may need to be increased to deal with the child’s needs today. Parents may need to move because of an employment opportunity or a family crisis, which may require a change in custody or in visitation schedules.
In addition to pursuing final orders in a new child custody case, our firm can help you with:
Modification of child custody arrangements
Child custody cases in which the parents are not married
There are family law firms in which attorneys excel at complex financial analysis and other firms in which attorneys are good at unearthing facts and understanding family dynamics. The Law Office of Robert Hoffman is that exceedingly rare firm in which the attorneys have expertise in both areas of the law.
As in every other aspect affecting the parent-child relationship, you will benefit from having the most experienced, astute and committed attorneys representing you.
Learn more about specific ways we might be able to help you:
Child Custody and Visitation
Child Support
Modification of Child Custody and Support
Relocation of a Parent and Child
The question of who will have primary custody and make critical decisions for the children is obviously the most emotional and stressful for parents seeking a divorce. We deal with custodial issues with the utmost care and concern, always mindful that we are charged with the mission of making sure that the arrangement we negotiate is “in the best interests of the child or children.”
Let us know how we can help.